What is this?
The Immediate Feed Back System (IFS) is a web application for student programming and essay writing assessment. Feedback is generated based on the output of a set of configurable tools which students can enable or disable as they choose.
Basic dependencies include npm (4.0.3+), Node (6.9.4+), MySQL (5.7+), Redis Server (v3.2.1), and Libreoffice.
Core-tools have their own dependencies which are listed with more information on the IFS Wiki.
IFS is written mostly in Node.js, and has a hefty dependency list.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ian-james/IFS/master/install
chmod +x install
sudo ./install
See our issue tracker on Github.
This project is part of James Fraser's graduate work at the University of Guelph. He, Dr. Dan Gillis, Dr. Judi McCuaig, and others made it happen.
I wrote the front-end, back-end language processing tools, the installation script, user account verification and management, user profiles, set up the testing evironment on Ubuntu and Debian servers, and more.
The IFS is licensed under the MIT License.
Most of the IFS core utilities (human and artificial language processing scripts) are licensed under the ISC License.
IFS makes use of many other open-source projects as dependencies (handled by npm). See each for relevant information.